Why do Koi Grow so Quick in a Natural Mud Pond? (Nature Pond 🌱)

Описание к видео Why do Koi Grow so Quick in a Natural Mud Pond? (Nature Pond 🌱)

Why do Koi Grow so Quick in a Natural Mud Pond?

What's up guys and welcome back to a brand new episode here at The Koi Partner.

Last year I made a number of episodes about breeding and growing big Koi who came from the mud Ponds. If you click on the link at the end of this video you can watch those after this video where I explain why Koi grow so fast in a mud pond in Japan.

So in this episode I explain why Koi grow so fast in a natural mud pond and why Koi breeders let their koi grow in these mud ponds during the spring, summer and autumn. I show you different footage from Koi breeders how they do it in Japan.

Before a koi can reach this size and will be a official Jumbo Koi, the Koi stay in the mud pond for some seasons. Starting from the age of one.

So let’s start from the beginning.

During spring and summer temperatures in Niigata prefecture rise very high up to 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Niigate prefecture is a mountainous area in western Japan and gets meters of snow during the winter periods. Two extreme weather conditions that the koi breeders have to deal with.

But its a ideal combination for growing Koi, let me explain why:

It is now winter in Japan. Breeders are selling there tosai. Also called one year old koi to their customers form all around the world. During the cold winters breeders can do little work outside. This area in Japan can get up to 5 meters of snow during a good winter. Most of the work must be done inside the greenhouses.

Inside the koi breeders are preparing for spring. Also the start of a new koi season. During the months April and may the meters of snow are melting. This is one of the key elements of a good working mud pond: fresh meltwater. All the mud ponds are filled up with fresh meltwater.

During the spring and at the beginning of the summer, the sun warms up the meltwater in the mud ponds. This is the time to release all the koi.

First all young koi because they can better withstand temperature rises and falls. The nights can still be chilly and the days quite warm.

The fish are released into the mud ponds in sequence over a period of 1.5 months. The biggest fish go last.

During the months in the mud pond, koi grow extremely quickly. But what is the reason? Well, there are several reasons. First of all the climate, the summers in this area are warm and humid. During the months of August and September there is a lot of rain, which is also good for the water level in the mud ponds.

The high temperature is one of the factors that ensures rapid growth.

Second: the composition of the mud. The mud ponds consist mainly of clay. One of the most nutrient-rich clays in Japan. Minerals and vitamins are incorporated into the soil. But this also attracts other animals such as small lobsters, frogs and other protein-rich food for the koi. Like in nature.

Third: Koi food! Koi breeders feed extra high-quality koi food into the mud ponds. This provides extra nutrition and growth for the fish.

Not every fish is allowed to grow up in the mud pond. Breeders determine in advance which fish are good enough, and worthwhile, to swim in the mud pond.

October is the moment that the growers are working towards. Harvest season!

Importers, dealers and traders come to Japan from all over the world to view and buy the harvested fish. A whole happening where it is quite a party to see the Koi of very high quality at their very very best.

Koi Breeders have little time, which means there is no room for mistakes. The harvests should preferably go well the first time.

After harvesting, the fish are inspected and measured. This involves the growers' decades of experience. The same experience that the breeders use when caring for the fish in the mud ponds.

Get your Pond Supplies here (OASE): https://bit.ly/3lZaq3t
USA Get you Koi here (SelectKoi): https://bit.ly/3DsrfK9

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