Being Human by Naima Penniman

Описание к видео Being Human by Naima Penniman

“Being Human” is one of the first poems I ever channeled, and one of my best friends. It’s Mama Nature holding a loving mirror to our humanness.

I'm breath-given by this exquisite video and music production by the folx at EarthxStudios to celebrate the launch of ALL WE CAN SAVE - a powerful anthology of essays + poems + art by women climate leaders. I hope it kisses your heart in these immensely heartbreaking times!!

I’m honored to be one of 60 contributors to ALL WE CAN SAVE alongside Alice Walker, Joy Harjo, Mary Oliver, Marge Piercy, Patricia Smith, adrienne maree brown & so many more brilliant voices! A mighty chorus sharing truth, courage, and solutions for the climate crisis, curated by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Dr. Katharine K. Wilkinson via One World Books / Penguin Random House.

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Follow: @allwecansave & #AllWeCanSave

"Being Human" was first published by Whit Press in 2014 in CLIMBING POETREE, a collection of 70 poems by Alixa & Naima.

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Follow: @climbingpoetree & #climbingpoetree


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