A Tribute to Frankie 💕

Описание к видео A Tribute to Frankie 💕

Loss of Little Paws

The loss of any animal, large or small is never easy, and as many of you know even the smallest paws can leave HUGE imprints on your heart. Unfortunately, the staff and service users at Hugs are currently feeling this pain. We have lost the squeaky, cheeky soul, Frankie.

Our little guinea pig Frankie arrived at Hugs in 2018 along with his hutch mate Benny. The two were signed over as unwanted pets as owners had lost interest in them. They soon became firm favourites of all who had the privilege of meeting them. Their chatty ways along with their love for snuggles helped so many. We sadly lost the beautiful Benny two years ago and Frankie was left. Frankie continued to enjoy his life at Hugs, exploring enrichment, choosing his favourite fruit and veg and making a difference to all in his company. Not wanting Frankie to feel alone, we carefully introduced Basil, a new guinea pig and they became firm friends often snuggling together in their dens and sharing the same blades of grass.

Frankie was believed to be around 7 years old and has not only left a hole in our hearts, but he has also left a wonderful legacy behind. Just by being himself;

He gave children their voice again after being selective mutes for months.
He built confidence.
He helped overcome fear.
He helped children feel calm.
He helped children feel wanted.
He changed lives.

We will forever be grateful that we had so much time with Frankie, his memory will be cherished. Breakfast time will forever be quieter without him scuttling and squeaking to steal the juiciest treats from you before anyone else got a look in. Thank you, Frankie, we all love you and you will remain in our hearts forever for your inspirational kindness.


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