Cardiac Sarcoidosis - 2023 Rare Cardiac Conditions Conference

Описание к видео Cardiac Sarcoidosis - 2023 Rare Cardiac Conditions Conference

2023 Annual Rare Cardiac Conditions Conference
Dr. David Birnie, Cardiologist, UOHI
Dr. Mustafa Toma, Cardiologist, University of British Columbia

Canadian Cardiac Sarcoidosis Symposium (C2S2)

Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiac Sarcoidosis:
00:01:10 - PET imaging of CS: update on techniques, indications, recent guidelines, and future directions. Dr. Rob Beanlands, Ottawa, Canada

00:30:27 - Screening for cardiac involvement in patients with extra-cardiac sarcoidosis. Which test (s) with what expected results, what to do with the result, and how often to repeat screening? Dr. Vasilis Kouranos, London, UK

0:54:02 - CS treatment and management; known knowns and known unknowns. Dr. David Birnie, Ottawa, Canada

Who and How I treat CS
01:21:36 - In Montreal - Dr. Genevieve Giraldeau, Montreal, Canada
01:31:15 - In London - Dr. Vasilis Kouranos, London, UK

01:42:07 Sudden cardiac death risk stratification and device therapy for CS patients (which device for what patients and what to expect in follow-up) Dr. Jordana Kron, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Case discussions:
02:06:10 - Case 1 – Dr. Alessandro De Bortoli, Ottawa, Canada
02:13:01 - Case 2 - Dr. Mario Senechal, Quebec City
02:26:14 - Case 3 - Dr. Genevieve Giraldeau, Laval, Canada


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