VLOG NEW GRAD RN | Is West Coast University Worth it? Life updates, post graduate life.

Описание к видео VLOG NEW GRAD RN | Is West Coast University Worth it? Life updates, post graduate life.

Hey guys! I'm back! I decided to take a couple months off because life got so hectic. Here's a video talking about what has happened recently and my thoughts in job hunting as a new grad. Please feel free to share your own experiences as everything I talk about has been only through my own experiences.


1. Hospitals who prefer BSN will still consider ADN degrees if they are currently working their way towards a BSN, some prefer finishing the degree within 6 months. But looking at the way things are going, a lot of hospitals prefer BSN or MSN and with a BSN, you become a more competitive candidate.

2. I mentioned that I will have loans forever, but I’m not saying go for it and take on all the loans in order to get your degree. Please consider what is best for you. I’m just here to share my experience.

3. If there is something that I mentioned incorrectly, please correct me or share your own experiences! Everything that I mention and talk about is through my own experience and doesn’t discredit other people’s experiences with their own career paths.


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