Adrenergic receptors

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This video tutorial discusses Adrenergic receptors:
0:00​​. Intro
0:16​. What are adrenergic receptors?
0:26. There are 2 types of adrenergic receptors
0:42​​. G-Protein coupled receptors that act through 2nd messengers
2:01​​. Alpha adrenergic receptors
2:16. Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors
- 2:17​. Systemic arterioles
- 3:19​. Dilator pupillae muscle
- 3:53​ Internal urethral sphincter (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH))
5:36. Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors
7:29. Beta adrenergic receptors
7:34. Beta-1 adrenergic receptors
- 7:37. Heart (SA node, AV node, myocardium)
- 8:53. Kidney (JG cells)
9:31. Beta-2 adrenergic receptors
- 9:36. NE vs EPI
- 10:13. Systemic arterioles
- 11:46. Ciliary body (Glaucoma)
- 12:45. Bronchial smooth muscle (asthma)
- 14:27. Liver
- 14:58. Detrusor muscle
15:31​​. In-a-Nutshell
16:05​​. Acknowledgements


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