Sacred Feminine Womb Affirmations: Healing Codes | Her Time Continuum ©

Описание к видео Sacred Feminine Womb Affirmations: Healing Codes | Her Time Continuum ©

#healing #feminineenergy #affirmation #sacredwomb

My Instagram ↠ @HerTimeContinuum

I honor you for spending your energy with me. This is a safe space. Always remember to be present in your body and b r e a t h e .

See you in your dreams.

Affirmations From Video: Please Use Them Angel To Transform

01. My womb is sacred, and so is my life.
02. My womb is whole.
03. My womb is the gateway here to earth, so I will always know my power.
04. My womb is always healing itself.
05. My womb is the set of creativity.
06. I nourish my womb with whole and real foods from nature.
07. I always make sure to take my proper herbs for hormonal balance.
08. I enjoy having a healthy uterus and womb.
09. I am so grateful to have a healthy womb.
10. My ovaries and uterus are in perfect harmony to bring forth life.
11. My womb is a portal.
12. My womb is a healthy, and happy environment for a baby to grow.
13. I am healing my yoni daily by being intentional.
14. I will honor my need to reset and recharge.
15. I appreciate my womb; my womb is whole.
16. My womb is filled with high vibrational energy.
17. My womb has received healing.
18. I am conscious of the powerful creative force that dwells within me.
19. My menstrual cycle is balanced, light, and not heavy.
20. I have a great connection with my womb.
21. The whole foods that I consume nourish my mind & my womb.
22. I speak life into my womb every day.
23. My womb is full of worship and vitality.
24. I choose thoughts that are only beneficial for my womb & my mind.
25. I release all stress and worry from my womb.
26. I release all trauma from my womb.
27. My womb is cleansed and restored from all past trauma.
28.I call all my pleasure back to me.
29. I start and end my day with a feeling of gratitude.
30. My words are magic.
31. I bathe in cosmic energy.


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