Best Hammer Restoration / Stolen Hammer!!!

Описание к видео Best Hammer Restoration / Stolen Hammer!!!

Stolen Recovered and Restored Hammer.

Any Workman will tell you his tools are everything to him. You don't mess with a Workman's tools. It's how he earns His living... and how he feeds his Family. To mess with his tools you are practically taking food off of his family's table. Its a BIG No No!.

My Mother and Father used to run a Building and Roofing Company. They used to be contracted to multiple County Council's to carry out all kinds of work.
They would employ guys from all different backgrounds and age ranges, it didn't matter as long as you are willing to Learn... and willing to Work.

The Theft

Monday morning comes around, the Vans are being loaded and guys are receiving their Job papers. My Father puts his Toolbox on the van and goes to his Job. He later arrives at his job Site and get prepped ready for work. Only there is a problem......He cannot find his Hammer?

He Searches the Van high and low. Calls the other guys up to Check their Vans to see if his Hammer is with them. He searches the Jobsite thoroughly and even Asks the residents of the property if they had seen a Hammer lying around?

Well no Hammer was ever found. It had just disappeared into thin air?
My Brother went out and bought my Father another Estwing Hammer of the same make and Model
as a replacement. Which my Father was very Grateful for.

The missing hammer angered my Father because he was so careful with his tools.

He didn't accuse any individual of theft because he had no evidence, but it was possible that
it was stolen.

The Discovery of Hammer and Thief!

It was a summers day on a Saturday. Glorious sunshine with a gentle breeze to complement.
My best friend gave me a call to see if I fancied going for a walk. Its something we did most weekends, especially if the weather was nice.

I turned up at his house slightly earlier than the agreed time, because I had nothing else to do.
I sat and spoke with my Best friends Father for a brief period of time, as my friend was getting his shoes on. He and his Father had been clearing his greenhouse out, because he was planning to take it down.

Once his shoes were on, my Friend said 'Come have a look what at the changes we are making at the top of the garden'.

We strolled up the garden and chatted about how nice the day was, and where we were going to go on our walk. We soon drew near a pile of rubbish and greenhouse paraphernalia. Which were strewn around the entrance to the empty Greenhouse carcass. I stood there whilst he explained the plans for the garden, once it was cleared. I looked towards the Greenhouse with the intention of asking what he was going to do with it? Then I Noticed a familiar silhouette hanging from a wire, which was stretched across the full length of the greenhouse.

I thought that's a Rusty... Dried up 'EstWing Hammer'? Why on earth would my Best Friend have an expensive EstWing Hammer when he was a notorious cheapskate.
I walked over to the Greenhouse and lifted it off the wire, which appeared to have been its long time resting place. I noticed the distinctive shaping of the metal shaft where it meets the handle! I immediately recognized the Hammer... It was My Fathers Hammer!

The leather handle had dried and shrunk in size. It had turned dark brown from many years of baking in the greenhouse. The head had rusted to a dark orange brown color and it appeared heavily pitted. I turned to him and said " This is my Dads Hammer, why have you got it?"
His Face told the whole Story, and I didn't really need to hear his version of events, but I gave him the opportunity anyway.

He said when I organized for him to have a few days work with my Father. He told me whilst at work nearing the end of the day, my Father had told him to start packing away tools so they could leave for home. He said he put my Fathers Hammer in his Lunch Bag with the intention of putting it in the Work Van. But he said he forgot.

I said 'you have had possession of this Hammer for over 13 Years and you live literally 50 feet from my Dads house'. I said 'You live directly across the road from him... and never thought to return it?'

He had no answer and no excuse. He had obviously taken it out of his Lunch Bag and taken it up his garden and put it in the Greenhouse, with no intention of returning it.
He must have seen the Hammer many many times over 13 years. He had many opportunities to return it. Its not like it wasn't visible, he put it in a transparent building.

My Father and I helped him out with work when he was down and out. Offered him a chance to earn some much needed money at the time. But he decided the money and my friendship wasn't enough.

The End.

How would you have handled the situation?

Restoration of my Fathers Hammer. Using my Random Hands and My Mechanics to get the job done . To make it Cool Again Restoration. I love Awesome Restorations and I like Rusty Dudes I like Forgotten Shine Restorations.
Hammer Restoration


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