Ultimate Kebab Battle | Sorted Food

Описание к видео Ultimate Kebab Battle | Sorted Food

AD | Kebabs in the UK can have a pretty bad reputation - but that’s about to change. Today our normals, Jamie and Mike, are going head to head as they battle it out to create the Ultimate Kebab!

Using lamb and the freshest ingredients, who will be crowned the Kebab King and who will just be baaaahh-d? Who’s your winner? Let us know in the comments below!

Grab Mike’s recipe here: https://bit.ly/3k00R1l
Grab Jamie’s recipe here: https://bit.ly/33XjbTt

Huge thanks to Try Lamb for sponsoring the video! If you’d like to find out more about the EU funded campaign, click here: https://www.trylamb.co.uk

The content of this promotion campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her responsibility. The European Commission and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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