17 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect

Описание к видео 17 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect

Track your pregnancy with our app: https://wte.onelink.me/85iI/29dt1g98 Find out why dizziness is a common symptom this week and see how your baby is growing – now the size of a large onion.

Learn more about week 17 of pregnancy: https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnanc...


At week 17, your baby is larger than the placenta for the very first time. And it might be time for a high-five, because that's how big your baby is. Five ounces and 5 inches crown-to-rump, or the size of your open palm, or a large onion. Body fat is just starting to form, though your little one is still quite skinny, with skin that's practically translucent.

In other news, baby's feisty little ticker is going full speed ahead, thanks to another development this week. Until now, your wee one's heartbeat was spontaneous and irregular. Now, the brain is in the driver's seat, regulating the heart rate at 140 to 150 beats per minute.

Right now, your baby is all about practice, practice, practice in preparation for birth. Two important skills that your baby's busy sharpening are sucking and swallowing to get ready for that first suckle at breast or bottle.

Feeling a little woozy this week? You're not alone. Dizziness during pregnancy often kicks in at around week 17, thanks to hormones, your growing uterus and your rapidly expanding circulatory system. Drink lots of water and take it easy when you need to. After all, you're growing a whole new human.


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