Piper Loop: 26 Mile Loop Through the Quehanna Wilds

Описание к видео Piper Loop: 26 Mile Loop Through the Quehanna Wilds

The Piper Loop is a 26 mile loop through the Quehanna Wilds. This loop is formed using the East Cross Connector, the Quehanna Trail, and several smaller side trails. This makes an excellent weekend loop and would be a great loop for novice and experienced hikers alike. Plentiful water, beautiful scenery, and abundant campsites are the highlights of this loop. The Quehanna Wilds are also home to Pennsylvania's wild elk herds.

Trail Map:

Parking Lot:
Lat: 41.228858
Lon: -78.191379

Lat: 41.230875
Lon: -78.236330

Lat: 41.195951
Lon: -78.238139

Lat: 41.165632
Lon: -78.213942

Lat: 41.190540
Lon: -78.157253

Lat: 41.190481
Lon: -78.139525

Lat: 41.221146
Lon: -78.116472

Lat: 41.232961
Lon: -78.150601


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