Fanplayr Smart SMS - Reach your customer where they are!

Описание к видео Fanplayr Smart SMS - Reach your customer where they are!

People are always ready to use their phones: the average person checks their phone 160 times a day and 46% of people say they check their phones before they even get out of bed.
And we can also say that SMS is global: 5 billion people have a phone that can send and receive text messages.

So, SMS is a powerful marketing tool to increase e-commerce conversions: with 98% of conversion rate compared to the 15-25% average open rate for commercial email, we can say that Smart SMS is a must-have solution on your digital marketing strategy if you want to increase the performance that comes from your website.

Have a look at the video then to discover how Fanplayr Smart SMS works and what results you can achieve with it and dont' forget to contact us to find the most effective way to establish a profitable relationship with your customers!


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