Clear Skies Ahead: Progress and Promise in Clean Air Initiatives Around the World

Описание к видео Clear Skies Ahead: Progress and Promise in Clean Air Initiatives Around the World

The panel discussion "Clear Skies Ahead: Progress and Promise in Clean Air Initiatives Around the World" was held at HEI's 2024 Annual Conference on April 29, 2024.

Timing Breakdown:
0:00:00 - Introduction; Pallavi Pant, HEI
0:02:44 - Opening Remarks; Martina Otto, Climate and Clean Air Coalition
0:11:32 - Panel Discussion

Session Overview:
Moderator: Pallavi Pant, HEI
Panelists: Juan Castillo, Pan American Health Organization, Jane Akumu, UN Environment, Karma Yangzom, Asian Development Bank, Nina Renshaw, Clean Air Fund

Air pollution is the leading environmental health risk factor around the world, and results in significant health, economic, and societal impacts. In the last two decades, some countries around the world have made significant progress toward clean air, while others have begun to establish air quality monitoring and management programs. With several pivotal moments for air quality action in 2024, the panel will reflect on the gains made in recent years toward clean air for all and identify windows of opportunity for continued collaboration and engagement.


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