How I take Flax Oil in my Diet ? By Dr Brajpal | मैं Flax Oil क़ैसे Use करता हूँ अपने ख़ाने में ||

Описание к видео How I take Flax Oil in my Diet ? By Dr Brajpal | मैं Flax Oil क़ैसे Use करता हूँ अपने ख़ाने में ||

Welcome Parents,
In this video, I have told about my breakfast which i usually take. My favourite breakfast is Quinoa Salad with Flax oil.
I hope, it will be an informative video and all parents will love this.

The content and advise provided in this video is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, advice for specific medical condition. Always consult a pediatrician to understand the individual needs of your child.

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