Brothers Under the Sun - A Tallstar and Jake PMV

Описание к видео Brothers Under the Sun - A Tallstar and Jake PMV

Well. This is finally it. After almost a year and a half of working on this project, it's finally, finally, finished. And now I can finally share it with everyone. I can't believe it's finally finished.

This is an idea I actually had when I was still in college. I wrote the script for this PMV when I was waiting in line to apply for a single dorm room towards the end of my junior year of college in 2016. I drew the first frame in December of 2017. I've taken large breaks from working on it over the many months, which is why there's such a difference in the quality in parts of the video, I took like month-long breaks at times, but I was determined to get this done eventually, so I did, and now it's finally finished.

So. This video. After Tallstar's Revenge came out and Tallstar's full story was finally told, I felt like this song fit his story perfectly. It's a song about two people who've grown so close having to say goodbye because something inside of them is calling them to lives far away from each other, but their love for each other is so strong that, no matter how far apart they are, they'll always be together. That fits Tallstar and Jake's story so perfectly. The only thing that doesn't fit is the song's description of them as brothers - I see them as mates - but other than that, this song fits them so perfectly. I had a lot of fun planning the script so that everything fit with the lyrics and picking from the events of the books to fit everything.

This project was definitely a unique challenge. I haven't made a Warriors video like this in so many years, and the ones I made when I was young were so much less effort-y than this. I was determined to make this better than anything I'd ever made before. Tallstar and Jake are my favorite couple in all of Warriors, and their story is one of my favorite in the books, and I adore this song for them, so I wanted to make this video do their story and the song justice. The video isn't perfect and there's some awkward moments, and the older bits of the video definitely don't look as good as the recent bits, but I'm still pretty dang proud of it. Over a year of work on this, and it's finally done, and I'm so proud that I stuck with it and got it done.

I definitely tried to make sure that the video fit the events of the books as closely as I could, I always like to keep things accurate in terms of time of day for scenes and which cats are present and such. I had fun including my designs for some of these cats. If you want to check out my designs for any of these cats, you can check out my deviantart account here:

I also incorporated my idea of eye stars for Clan leaders. That idea is that instead of a marking on their fur or something to indicate a cat's leadership, the white in their eyes turns into the shape of stars, with a star for each life in their eyes, and a star fading for each life lost. Most cats can't really make out the stars in their leader's eyes, they can just kinda see some twinkling lights, but medicine cats can see the stars perfectly clearly, which is how they always know how many lives a leader has. Anyway, that's been incorporated into this video, which was fun. It was also fun getting to show my design for StarClan cats, even if it was a pain to get to work for the video because of how many layers were involved. :P

I can't think of anything else I wanted to include in this description - granted, it's midnight and I just got back from a show, so I could be forgetting something, but I'm pretty sure that's everything. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask me. I really hope you enjoy this.


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