"Tigré Milké!" (Percussive Acoustic Jazz)

Описание к видео "Tigré Milké!" (Percussive Acoustic Jazz)

This is one of five solo acoustic pieces I composed in 2015 for an EP that was never recorded. Why never recorded, you ask? Well, the material was really difficult and I couldn’t actually play it at the time - plan was “I’ll practice, get better at playing guitar, then perform and record them!”. Here we are 7 years later and my playing (not to mention physical and mental health) is a little closer to the ideal future-self the Sam of 2015 was relying on to deliver this material.
The title came from a dream I had when I was composing the piece - In this dream I was in some store in some tropical asian country, I went to a fridge to pull out a product in an orange plastic bottle called ‘Tiger Milk’. The spelling changed to “Tigré Milké!” when I started saying that way...

Tabs available at   / samwestphalen  


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