SiOnyx Aurora Pro with High Power Lens

Описание к видео SiOnyx Aurora Pro with High Power Lens

Panning the windward side of the Ko'olau Range under a particularly spectacular full moon.

SiOnyx Aurora Pro settings:
Mode - Night
Frame Rate - 30fps
Night Glow - Night Color
Exposure Comp. - 0.0
HDR - Off

Litton Objective Lens Specifications:
162mm f/1.7 t/1.8
Nightline, Inc.
POC - Lee Collette
Nightline specializes in legacy Litton night vision parts, components and systems.

SiOnyx Aurora Pro with black silicon sensor -

"SiOnyx has demonstrated imaging at light levels below 1 mLux at framerates in excess of 60 FPS with a SXGA backside illuminated CMOS image sensor in a compact, low latency camera. Sub mLux imaging is enabled by the combination of enhanced quantum efficiency in the near infrared, backside illumination for high fill factor, and state of the art read noise approaching 1 e/pix. The quantum efficiency enhancement is achieved by utilizing SiOnyx’s proprietary XQETM nano and microtexturing pixel technology in a backside illuminated architecture for high fill factor and enhanced near infrared absorption. The near infrared QE performance enables the application of these sensors for use in laser spot detection at all near IR laser lines including the 1064nm YAG laser."

#blacksilicon #sionyxaurorapro #nightvisionastronomy


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