OR Conditions with Power BI Slicers

Описание к видео OR Conditions with Power BI Slicers

☛Learn with Ritesh


☛Tableau Equivalent

Create a New Measure:
Open your Power BI report or Excel workbook.
Go to the “Model” or “Data” view (depending on the tool you’re using).
Create a new measure (DAX expression) that will serve as your custom filter condition. You can do this by clicking on “New Measure” or similar options.
Write the DAX Expression:
In the DAX formula bar, write an expression that combines the slicer values using the OR operator (||). For example:
CustomFilter = [Slicer1] || [Slicer2]
Replace [Slicer1] and [Slicer2] with the actual names of your slicers.
Apply the Custom Filter:
Go back to your report or PivotTable.
Add a visual (e.g., a table, chart, or matrix) where you want to apply the custom filter.
Use the newly created measure (CustomFilter) as a filter condition for this visual.
Test the Behavior:
Interact with your slicers and observe how the custom filter behaves. Now, when you select values in either slicer, the visual will show data based on the OR condition.


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