3 crackle paint mediums: perfect for mixed media

Описание к видео 3 crackle paint mediums: perfect for mixed media

Learn how to use these 3 different crackle mediums in your art work. Each crackle effect offers unique properties that cater to various surfaces and paints. Below are the products I used and the summary of qualities for each medium.

Golden Crackle Paste: Light fluffy white and holds good peaks: Applies best with trowel or palette knife: Dries opaque white in 24hrs: Best on rigid substrates like gesso board: Can be drawn or painted on.

Kroma Crackle: Thick yellow gel that color can be added to: Dries milky white in 3 days or more with heavy applications: Works on flexible surfaces like stretched canvas, paper or cloth: Can be painted over after.

Jo Sonja's: Hazy low viscosity gel: Can be applied with a brush: Dries clear in hours: Best on rigid substrates: Dries to a slick surface good for antiquing washes:


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