【前途无量】第19集 | 白宇、王志飞、董勇、李乃文主演 | Bank on Me EP19 | Starring: Bai Yu, Wang Zhifei | ENG SUB

Описание к видео 【前途无量】第19集 | 白宇、王志飞、董勇、李乃文主演 | Bank on Me EP19 | Starring: Bai Yu, Wang Zhifei | ENG SUB

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导演: 沈严 / 曹凯
编剧: 张挺
主演: #白宇 / 王志飞 / 董勇 / 李乃文 / 王宥钧
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
集数: 26
单集片长: 45分钟


Lin Qiang was the deputy director of the audit department of the United Bank, because of his unwillingness to sign on a problematic loan, offended the management, and was sent down to Longyuan sub-branch. His friend Zheng Shuai was also implicated in the demotion. Longyuan branch was in chaos, Lin Qiang figured out the solutions with his professional ability to fight for staff, which offended Hao Wei, the head of the branch. Lin Qiang suffered a crisis in his career, who decided to fight back and trace the root of the loan case, and eventually the problem was cleared up. Lin Qiang finally realized his own value and desire by his career.

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