016 - How to create a simple list using ListView -the easy way- a complete app example with details

Описание к видео 016 - How to create a simple list using ListView -the easy way- a complete app example with details

This detailed video is for beginners and it teaches you how to use ListViews to create a list of items in your mobile app. You will find a simple and complete app example, from start to finish, in Java - Android Studio.

If you need further help to get you started, you can check the other educational videos available on this channel or some of the ones listed bellow:

015 - Using Fragments in Android Studio - the easy way
   • 015 - Using Fragments in Android Stud...  

014 – Building a Landscape user interface (derived from portrait mode)
   • 014 - How to change the user interfac...  

013 - How to use images in your mobile app
   • 013 - How to use images in your mobil...  

012 - Using String Resources to fix the Hardcoded Text Warning in Android Studio
   • 012 - Using String Resources to fix t...  

011 - Using Layers to create a simple User Interface
   • 011 - Using Layouts to create a simpl...  

010 – Start Activity for Results (deprecated) vs Activity Result Launcher
   • 010 - An easy alternative to Start Ac...  

009 – Activity Result Launcher - full example
   • 009 - Using Activity Result Launcher ...  

008 - Sending data between Activities in Android Studio
   • 008 - Sending data between Activities...  

007 - Using Activities in Android Studio
   • 007 - Using Activities in Android Stu...  

006 - Using Toast messages in Android Studio
   • 006 using Toast messages in Android S...  

005 - Simple mobile app - buttons and text views - Lab 1 HW
   • 005 - Simple mobile app explained in ...  

004 - XML vs onClickListener Buttons
   • 004 - Using Buttons in Androis Studio...  

003 - adding and using plain text objects
   • 003 - How to input text - the Easy wa...  

002 - adding and using buttons XLM
   • 002 - How to use buttons - the Easy w...  

001 - introduction to Android Studio
   • 001 - Introduction to Android Studio ...  


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