TV-Scandal: Keith Richards Smoking On Air!

Описание к видео TV-Scandal: Keith Richards Smoking On Air!

And the twitter-stormers exploded in full flames over the puffing Rolling Stone:
Can't remember the last time I saw someone smoking on morning TV. Keith Richards puffing Malboro Red on #marr
Wonder if Keith Richards is the only Marr interviewee in recent yr to smoke through the entireity of an interview?
Less than 24 hours with Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party leader and already Keith Richards is smoking on the BBC. The Daily Mail were right.
Just watching Keith Richards on Marr program and my 8 year old asks "is he dead ?"
Lol at the people who have a problem with Keith Richards smoking. #BanEverything #Marr
Truly Keith Richards is Jim Hensons greatest work. It's like Pinnochio come real
Great to see Keith Richards interviewed by #AndrewMarr. Iconic eloquent smoker in his seventies.
@BBC very disappointed to see Keith Richards smoking on the Andrew Marr show. Why was that allowed to happen?
So, @MarrShow, great interview with Keith Richards, but - smoking?! Was he allowed to do this because he's who he is? Bad example @BBC
@BBC I can't believe @AndrewMarr9 is interviewing #keithrichards whose smoking during his interview! Is he too famous to follow rules?
Drayjames Camden Town, London
Best thing about the #marr interview with Keith Richards is that Richards is smoking, didn't realise that was still allowed on tv
Keith Richards is smoking on television. I haven’t seen anyone smoke on television outside of a drama for years. It’s refreshing.
Marr is running early and i wake up to Keith Richards with a smoking cough

(Courtesy of BBC ONE, The Andrew Marr Show)


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