Nature Spirits VS Dragon Linkz!! | Digimon Card Game: EX7 Digimon Liberator Cup (ROUND 3)

Описание к видео Nature Spirits VS Dragon Linkz!! | Digimon Card Game: EX7 Digimon Liberator Cup (ROUND 3)

This is Round 3 of the Digimon Liberator Cup, a tournament featuring 8 decks from the 7th theme booster of the Digimon Card Game: Digimon Liberator. The next two decks to clash are Nature Spirits and Dragon Linkz. The multi-coloured Nature Spirits deck makes use of a variety of control mechanics from Green, Yellow, Black and Blue, in combination with field swarming to trigger their [On Play] effects and beat down the opponent. It is topped by SaberLeomon ACE and Eldradimon, which DNA Digivolve into Tllalocmon which is their ultimate source of swarm and removal. On the other hand, the Red/Black Dragon Linkz deck has gained further power and consistency with free Hina drops and a powerful cycle between the new Volcanic and Metallic which keep playing each other when they leave the field, continuously damaging the opponent's field presence with their terrifying [On Play] effects. Which force of nature will claim this territory and move on?

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