
Описание к видео ‪@iERAOrg‬

Join us on Global Dawah Day
Saturday 10th August 2024
To coincide with the Summer Olympics, iERA is kicking off its BIGGEST ever World Dawah Campaign – ‘Is Life Just a Game?’.
Through this work we hope to inspire millions of people to get involved in dawah and plant those seeds.
Register now and join the likes of Mohammed Hijab, Ali Dawah, Akhi Ayman, Adnan Rashid, Subboor Ahmadand more!
It’s time to be the change in your community!

​⁠‪@MrAdnanRashid‬ ​⁠‪@AliDawah‬ ​⁠‪@MohammedHijab‬ ​⁠‪@akhiaymanclip‬ ​⁠‪@AbdurraheemGreenReal‬ ​⁠‪@yusuf_chambers‬ ​⁠‪@iERAOrg‬ ‪@SubboorAhmadAbbasi‬ ‪@DarwinianDelusions1‬


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