Have you heard of this writer before? He is the great Egyptian Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik

Описание к видео Have you heard of this writer before? He is the great Egyptian Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik

Ahmed Khaled Tawfik is an Egyptian physician, writer, author, and translator. He is considered the first Arab writer in the field of horror literature. And the most famous in the field of youth literature, fantasy, and science fiction. Nicknamed "The Godfather". His literary journey began with the writing of the Supernatural series, and although horror literature was not prevalent at the time, the series achieved great success and was well received by the audience.

Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq presented six series of novels that reached approximately 236 issues, and he translated a number of foreign novels within a series of international pocket novels.

Sayings and quotes by Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq

Leave me what's left of me!

Believe me.. There will come a day when you will thank me for not making an effort to keep you!

The sad winter atmosphere, the warmth of the house, and the longing for something.. All of this tempts you to stick your nose to the window glass and dream.. But since the birth of humanity, there are things that compel a person to go out in the rain to go somewhere.

Had it not been for the author of this play being Shakespeare, I would have thrown it in the trash or replaced it with five Mickey magazines from Uncle Ahmed's. Indeed, some names are awe-inspiring.

Our friendship ended not with a quarrel or a violent situation, but with a state of disgust and gradual boredom... What ends slowly does not return quickly.. It never returns..!

I said to her angrily: Why do women tend to be mean to men who do not inspire any confidence?
Just as you guys are attracted to loose girls who don't know how to take care of a child or keep a house, she said coldly.

It is not enough for you to forget it.. You must also forget that you have forgotten it!

He believed that his imbecility and complexities were unique.. When he mixed with people, he realized that it was a rampant epidemic.. And this panicked him.. He considered himself more distinguished than this..!

The night was silent, that silence that buzzes in the ear and deafens you.

Self-confidence is nonsense. You will be surprised at how many things you do not know or are not good at. The important thing is to trust your ability to be better.

What ended slowly.. does not come back quickly.. never returns!

No matter how much we love others, we must find them silly, vulgar, and boring at a particular moment.. That is why we must forgive those of us who seem tired of us..

Ahmed Khaled Tawfik
To be a satirist, you must first be able to laugh at yourself...! .. All those who do not have this ability, their sarcasm is a sticky, foul-mouthed smut.

Genius is the girl who is good at distinguishing between pampering and fluidity..! If you meet her, my son, follow her to the end of the world


Before you get old
Chane your future

#Changing about life
#The greats of Egypt


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