Crash Course on Ancient History: Intro to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia

Описание к видео Crash Course on Ancient History: Intro to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia

The first video in a multi-part series on Ancient History. We start with a brief introduction to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, our first two civilizations to explore. In later videos, we’ll discuss the history of these areas as well as Ancient Greece, Anatolia, and Persia.

Bibliography and Sources

Bob Brier. “History of Ancient Egypt”. The Great Courses.

Lukas de Blois and R.J. Van der Spek. An Introduction to Ancient History, 3rd Edition.

Amanda H. Podany (2022). Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East.

Steven Snape (2021). Ancient Egypt: The Definitive Visual History.

Helen Strudwick (editor) (2006). The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt: An Illustrated Guide.

Marc Van de Mieroop
* A History of the Ancient Near East, ca. 3000 - 323 BCE, Third Edition. (2016)
* A History of Ancient Egypt, Second Edition. (2022).

Richard H. Wilkinson (2003). The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt.

Toby Wilkinson
* Tutankhamun’s Trumpet.
* Writings from Ancient Egypt.
* The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt (2010).

World History Encyclopedia.


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