ORGANIC vs. NON-ORGANIC CHICKEN | What's The Difference?

Описание к видео ORGANIC vs. NON-ORGANIC CHICKEN | What's The Difference?

You Couldn’t Pay Me To Eat This Chicken!

I mean it.

Never, ever.

It’s pumped full of too many harmful hormones to make them grow bigger and fatter.

Injected with antibiotics I don’t want in my body.

Eat crappy, cheap foods, full of GMOs.

And...treated terribly, which creates an energy problem, energy I don’t want in my body.

Sorry, not for me, not for those I love, and I love you, so think twice before you consume cheap mass-produced meat.

The best thing you can do is find a local farm, become friends with farmers, research, learn, and get back to nature.

Nature is our solution to better health.

Whole real foods, that aren’t pumped full of harmful chemicals, from as close to nature as possible.

What do you think?

On my vision board, by the time I am 50, I will be living entirely off my own land, everything we consume will be from Mother Nature.


How close to nature would you like to live someday?

#organic #organicchicken #healthyfoods

If you want the cleanest organic supplements on the planet here is a link:

If you want to check out the clothing I wear in all of my videos here is the link:

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