Do I Want To Look Younger? Hell No & Here Is Why.

Описание к видео Do I Want To Look Younger? Hell No & Here Is Why.

This is a clip from my first public Livestream which was recorded in December, 2022. My subscribers had been asking for some time for me to do this because many had questions that they wanted to hear me respond to. That's what I tried to do.

So, do I want to look younger? That's a legitimate question for sure. At 81 1/2 years old, when I look at my face in the mirror as I am doing right now, I don't much like what I see. Spots on my skin. Eyes a bit droopy and watery. My nose bigger than it was even 20 years ago. And my ears? Wow they are big. They look a little bit like President Lyndon Johnson did when he was in his 60s.

When I look at my face as though my wife is looking at it (she is not only considerably younger than me, but more importantly, is one hell of a lot better looking and always was) it doesn’t make me comfortable. I feel self-conscious.

But as I say in this video clip, putting out all aside, there are big advantages to having white hair and an old face. So many of my subscribers and those who comment on my videos remember their grandparents fondly with love and affection. And when those who I interact with in the public spaces look at my face, they think of their grandparents and so often, the result is that I get treated sweetly. I get extra care. People help me fill out paperwork. They say hello comfortably. They smile. Sometimes, young men assume me to be a mentor and young women flirt with me comfortably. Who could complain about all of that?

One's physical looks, I would like to say, don't matter all that much. But when I step into a retail store or any public space and I am accompanied by someone who most of us would say is "good-looking" I notice that they, and I, get treated better. And when I've interviewed people who are extremely pretty or handsome, they admit that they do get treated special. So it does matter.

But what can I do about my looks? I have not described in this short statement what I look like to myself in the nude – in other words, not just looking at my face. There's plenty of sags. But basically I still stand up pretty straight and my belly extends just a bit and the whole thing, though filled with minor discomforts, is a friendly experience. My body has been with me for a very long time and has in general, treated me kindly.

I know that they say that looking youthful can boost self-confidence and improve many types of social interactions. However, the importance of looking younger varies greatly from person to person, and as I say in this video, it hasn’t and doesn’t matter much to me. It's really about how you feel and what makes you happy. At any age, feeling good about yourself and being healthy are most important. Here are some tips that the self-help websites suggest could help in maintaining a youthful appearance and promoting overall well-being:
Moisturize daily: Keep your skin hydrated to maintain its elasticity and prevent dryness.
Use sunscreen: Sun exposure can accelerate skin aging. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Gentle cleansing: Use gentle, hydrating cleansers to keep your skin clean without stripping natural oils.
Healthy Diet:
Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Regular Exercise:
Engage in physical activities that you enjoy. It could be walking, swimming, or even dancing.
Regular exercise can improve your posture, muscle tone, and overall vitality.

Sleep Well:
Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to allow your body to repair and rejuvenate.

Maintain a Positive Outlook (number 1 for me):
Engage in social activities, pursue hobbies, and maintain a positive outlook on life.
Surrounding yourself with supportive and positive individuals can have a wonderful effect on your mood and appearance.

Minimal Makeup and Natural Hair Color:
A minimal makeup approach can be more flattering as excessive makeup can settle into fine lines and wrinkles.
Embracing your natural hair color, or choosing softer, more natural colors can also present a more youthful appearance.
Regular Check-ups:
Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help in maintaining your health and addressing any medical concerns promptly.
Anti-aging Treatments (Optional):
There are also dermatological procedures and treatments available to help maintain a youthful appearance. It's essential to consult with a dermatologist or a skincare professional to explore these options.

I hope that this video in some way or another is helpful to you. If you found it so, I would appreciate you supporting my efforts to make more videos like this one by clicking the thanks button below the video screen or by becoming a patron at
Thank you


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