BenQ HT3550 DLP Projector Repair | Colorwheel Replacement

Описание к видео BenQ HT3550 DLP Projector Repair | Colorwheel Replacement

Yet Another BenQ! I will only show these when it's new from now on unless something interesting happens.
This HT3550 was sent in by someone to have the color wheel replaced. They supplied the color wheel sourced from BenQ. The owner had cleaned it prior but found the wheel had truly failed and decided taking the optic assembly apart was a bit more than they wanted to risk. I was happy to help.

I did find the left side fan was reversed. It seem common to have intake on the opposite side of the exhaust. Probably a good thing to remember for the future.

If you need a lamp assembly for one of these, You can buy a 5J. JKC05.001 here with an Osram E30.5 inside. Use code YT50 at checkout.

The other 4K BenQ HT2550    • BenQ HT2550 4K DLP Video Projector Re...  

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