Video highlights of the In’Cube Foundation Stone laying Ceremony

Описание к видео Video highlights of the In’Cube Foundation Stone laying Ceremony

In’Cube Danone’s future R&I center at Paris-Saclay 🏗️

Video 🎬 highlights of the In’Cube Foundation Stone laying Ceremony is now available ! Discover the speeches held by officials and Danone board members: Taisa Hansen, Henri Bruxelles, Philippe AMIOTTE and Eric Dugre.

In’Cube prefigures the R&I Center of the future. Located at the heart of Paris-Saclay innovation ecosystem, this new international research center will embody our ambition for innovation and the “One Planet One Health” frame of action of Danone. Opening expected by the end of 2022!

👉 Watch the best of this special day and take a look at the building progress (pictures captured in September 2021).

➡️ Want to know more about In’Cube?


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