Metagov Seminar - Inclusive Ocean Data for Decision-Making (Sey)

Описание к видео Metagov Seminar - Inclusive Ocean Data for Decision-Making (Sey)

Araba Sey is Deputy Director at Research ICT Africa and a Research Associate of the Ocean Nexus research institute. She is one of the authors of "Inclusive Ocean Data for Decision-Making."

In this presentation, Araba will be discussing her research and learnings specifically on Data for Decision-Making (D4D), "decision-making cultures," fostering inclusion in decision-making processes, and case studies from the domain of ocean governance. View the book free online here:

The decisions we make about our oceans need to be informed by sound data, and more importantly, the process for collecting and interpreting that data needs to be inclusive of the diverse realities, values, and knowledge systems of local marine communities. All too often, however, that isn’t the case. Researchers with the University of Washington’s Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) investigated the reasons why and have collaborated to create a training resource for communities to foster inclusive data-driven decision-making.

Inclusive Ocean Data for Decision-Making is an open-source, adaptable training resource for community organizations such as libraries and nonprofits.


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