VR for @MaryGraceFahrun (and many other delightful people)

Описание к видео VR for @MaryGraceFahrun (and many other delightful people)

What a great tag!! Thank you for starting it ‪@MaryGraceFahrun‬

This feels like a set of question I should revisit regularly and watch how things evolve.

Also check out VRs from
Giselle @madwitch9977
Elaine ‪@ElaineMurphy66‬
Sylvain ‪@SylvainsDeadlySins‬
And more.......I'm still catching up (;

Original Video:

   • 13 (Real) Tarot Questions. Part 1 | #...  

1. What is Tarot to you?
2. Do you read for yourself? For others?
3. With what frequency do you read Tarot for yourself?
4. What types of readings do you do?
5. Regarding what types of things do you typically consult Tarot?
6. How would you classify yourself as a reader? I.e. Book meanings, experiential, figurative, literal, etc.
7. What types of questions do you ask Tarot?
8. What questions do you never ask Tarot?
9. Who do you think you are engaging with/speaking with when you read Tarot?
10. What other knowledge/experience do you apply to Tarot readings? I.e. Astrology, numerology, religion, mythology, psychology, etc.
11. Tarot is "the book of life". Where else in your world/life do you witness Tarot?
12. Have you experienced where Tarot has correctly predicted the future? How did you feel when it came to pass?
13. If you are a witch or magical practitioner, how (if applicable) does Tarot fit in your magical practice?

To clarify some mentions:

Soul Path Sanctuary - retreat in everyday life - walking the ways of summer light - facilitated by Carolyn Cushing (sounds like I said Cushman in the video) and Yezbelt Fernandez

Poet Cynthia Manick - WHen I mention a writer I like to provide a link to one of their pieces.
"There Are No Unsacred Spaces" can be read at this link:


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