Unreal Engine Serial Communication Plugin (Serial COM)

Описание к видео Unreal Engine Serial Communication Plugin (Serial COM)

New FREE plugin for Arduino enthusiasts and anyone who needs professional Serial Communication from and to Unreal Engine (4.25/4.26/4.27/5.0EA).
"Communication Serial Port (Serial Com)" Unreal Engine Plugin.

Official Github repository of this plugin:

I waited for almost a year for the UE4Duino plugin to be fixed (It wouldn't work natively in UE4.26 or UE4.27, and if you didn't have the right SDK's and Visual Studio installed it wouldn't compile either when trying to import the plugin.
The need for this plugin is bigger than ever for Virtual Production.
Native support for Serial Communication is the biggest missing feature in Unreal Engine. Having access to the Serial Port you have access to literally any peripheral with the most documented communication protocol that you will ever find.
Yes, I can hear the screams from Epic Games developers "Use the LiveLink library!!!"... I understand. But the LiveLink library is too big and complicated for my small brain. At engineering, we learn to: "KISS"... "Keep It Simple STUPID!" ... and the Serial Communication plugin is just that, a simple method to communicate via a Serial Port.
Since all my motion control project are going to depend on that library, I was already planning to expand the plugin, and since the plugin was last touched almost two years ago, I decided to fork the UE4Duino plugin and add all the functionalities that I will need later inside that forked plugin.
All my love and respect goes to Gryzly32/FuzionLabs(v1), and Rodrigo Villani (v2) for making this plugin in the first place and maintaining it.
Since I am doing so much work with the Serial Port, it only makes sense for me to fork this repo and add all the add-ons myself.
So, the new Plugin is called "Communication Serial Port" and short name is "Serial Com". The version starts at v3 because it is literally a fork of EU4Duino 2.2.5 plus some extra perks that I am adding to the plugin.
If you need early access to the beta test, please ask me. I have night builds that needs beta testers.
Feel free to ask for future requests. Either way, here or at Gigthub.
Just to clarify one thing. This is NOT EU4Duino v3. The plugin identifier is "SERIALCOM" instead and you will not be able to replace the library 1-on-1. The functions are compatible, but you will have to replace each one of the functions by hand with the similar function if you have an old project build with EU4Duino.
If Rodrigo Villani decides to make a version 3 of EU4Duino, he will be able to continue that path. I am taking a new path. I hope that is clear.

Official Github repository of this plugin:

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