Driver's Eye View - Czech Republic - Brno to Zastávka u Brna - with Grumpy Diesel No. T478 - 1002

Описание к видео Driver's Eye View - Czech Republic - Brno to Zastávka u Brna - with Grumpy Diesel No. T478 - 1002

We travel with the driver in one of Czech Railways (České dráhy) iconic “Grumpy Diesel” locomotives, also known as “Bardotka” owing to the French actress Brigitte Bardot sharing a similar profile to the locomotive's front end when viewed from the side. Grumpy came about as a result of the shape of the front windows making the locomotive look as though it is scowling when viewed head on. Our locomotive No.T478-1002 was one of the prototypes for what was to become Class 751, it differed from the production batch in that the cab was more rounded hence the “Bardotka” nickname, it is now preserved and available to haul charter trains such as the one featured in this video taking passengers to Zastávka u Brna to visit the nearby Museum of Industrial Railways (Muzeum průmyslových železnic)
We start from Brno Hlavní nádraží, a busy station hosting international, regional and a variety of local trains as well as a substantial number of freight trains. This was a good time to visit, before the old trains most of which were peculiar to the original Czechoslovakian Railways are swept away by modern European trains.
The route we travel along is in the process on being upgraded from a single track non electrified line to a twin track modern electric railway, making this a last opportunity to see the railway as it was.

Map at 00:25 - Google Earth/Google maps

Map at 00:40 -

Tour date 15th to 23rd May 2023

Tour - Steam in Austria, Hungary & Czech Republic – arranged by “The Railway Touring Company”. To find out more or to book your own adventure, please click on this link -

Track Gauge - 4ft 8 ½ ins (1435 mm)


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