Playing With Yarn - My Modified Monk's Belt Pattern

Описание к видео Playing With Yarn - My Modified Monk's Belt Pattern

A: 1 pick of tabby color 1, thirty times
B: 1 pick of tabby, color 2
C: 1 pick of tabby, color 1
Repeat B & C 4 times

D: 1 pick of color, 2 with shaft 3 & 4 in the up position
E: 1 pick of color 1, in tabby
Repeat D & E 4 times

F: 1 pick of tabby, color 2
G: 1 pick of tabby, color 1
Repeat F & G 4 times
Repeat A to G as many times as required
The Monk's Belt draft I used is only to show you how to thread your heddles.


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