Aged Sheng Puerh from Ailao Mountains | Raw Pu Erh Tea Tasting | ZhenTea

Описание к видео Aged Sheng Puerh from Ailao Mountains | Raw Pu Erh Tea Tasting | ZhenTea

Phil says this is the most unique pu erh tea he's ever tasted! Sheng Puerh from the Ailao Mountains really has its own character. The first sip is always shocking even for an experienced pu'er tea lover! Watch the video, and let us know if we did a good job describing the tea. ;)

Happy sipping,
Phil and Zhen

❤️Tea tasted in the video
Aged Sheng Pu'er 2004 - Ai Lao

❤️The other tasting video mentioned
Aged Sheng Puerh Tea Tasting | 2004 Yiwu Chun Jian
   • Aged Sheng Puerh Tea Tasting | 2004 Y...  

❤️How to taste Chinese tea like a pro
   • How to taste Chinese tea like a pro |...  
❤️How to brew tea like a pro | How to brew tea intuitively | How to steep tea
   • How to brew tea like a pro | How to b...  

❤️Real tasting grade Chinese tea

❤️Charen Magazine

00:00 intro
03:52 first infusion
10:09 2nd infusion
15:16 3rd infusion
19:24 4th infusion

#puerh #puertea #gaiwan #looseleaftea #gongfutea

We hope you enjoyed the video! Please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more videos on fine Chinese tea and tea culture. If this is your first time watching, we share our experience and tea journey with you as well as professional tastings/assessments, brewing tips and instructions, interviews with friends we’ve met along the way and just plain fun stuff we like to do on our tea journey.


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