ADVENTURE PUP New River Gorge Rappelling, Camping, Exploring

Описание к видео ADVENTURE PUP New River Gorge Rappelling, Camping, Exploring

In this quick adventurous trip I head to New River Gorge National Park in West Virginia to meet up with O'Brien from the Great Smoky Mountains episode. This time our goal is to find cliffs more extreme than the one we found in the Smoky's but now accompanied by Mr Bowie; the coolest K9 you're ever likely to meet. Follow us as we explore this awesome park, make camp and willingly walk off cliffs.

Just as I did in the last episode Ive included our camp location as well as rappel site on screen that can be plugged into Google Maps or Gaia GPS if you're interested. The QR code next to it will provide you the same information just quicker.
Thank you for watching!


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