DV Program | Electronic Diversity Visa Program | Hais Lus Hmoob

Описание к видео DV Program | Electronic Diversity Visa Program | Hais Lus Hmoob

Cov website:
DV program: https://dvprogram.state.gov/
Tshawb xyuas koj txoj haujlwm kom pom tias nws tsim nyog tso npe: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/onet
***Hauv daim video no, kuv qhia li kuv paub xwb. Yog koj paub ntau tshaj, comment rau hauv qab, es peb thiaj li tau kawm.

Kuv lub npe hu li Alice. Kuv ua luam online 2-3 yam. Qhov YouTube Channel no yog ua los pab cov neeg ua xav ua luam online. Muaj lub dabtsi nug kuv tau thiab thov pab subscribe rau kuv thiab os. Ua tsaug tau nawb.

I am not a lawyer, these videos are not legal advise but information.
Kuv tsis yog ib tug kws lij choj, cov yeeb yaj duab no tsis yog kev cai lij choj, tab sis ntawv qhia kom paub xwb.

I have no intention of infringing on anyone's copyright. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email at [email protected]. I'm always open to discussing and resolving any issues that may arise.


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