ᴴᴰ【東方Vocal】EastNewSound|Black Lotus【中日English附詞】

Описание к видео ᴴᴰ【東方Vocal】EastNewSound|Black Lotus【中日English附詞】

Title: Black Lotus
Circle: EastNewSound
Album: Lucent Wish
Vocals: Ritsuka
Circle's Website: http://e-ns.net/
Album Website: http://e-ns.net/discography/ens0004.html
Release Date: 08/15/2009 (Comiket 76)
Original song: Flowering Night - Sakuya's theme in Touhou - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Original Video Creator: JxL -    / lateasaftereffectslife  
Translation: https://kafkafuura.wordpress.com/2009...

I do have the CD for this, I am saving a song in this album for a future video with motorcycle footage.

Copy N Paste (Note: This Copy-pasta is only for anything from JxL)

A reddit request. So a long time ago, there was a youtuber known as JxL that uploaded these touhou videos with pretty effects and translations, but their videos are gone. Some touhou fans like myself archived some of the videos, so now I'll just upload them here. I don't really know why they disappeared, but I won't look for answers because I don't like being nosy. I'll just upload what I have and I won't upload what is already on youtube (by that, I mean the exact video).

I usually try to upload songs that I have in my CD collection but this is the one exception because I can not find this video anywhere in youtube. I will upload all the stuff JxL used to have and I will only take them down if JxL or any of the doujin circles tell me to. Plus I feel there is a need to do this because JxL did a great job with these videos and I do not want them to go to waste. I will also create a playlist for this.

Now with that out of the way, motorcycle gopro footage is delayed because of the weather. I live in California, during August - October there were huge wildfires which made riding very unpleasant and now it is cold and it is in the middle of rain season. I'll start doing videos again when the weather lets me.


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