My Wife's Descent: From New Job To Infidelity, Drugs, And Tragedy....- Reddit Stories

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My Wife's Descent: From New Job To Infidelity, Drugs, And Tragedy....- Reddit Stories
My Wife's Descent: From New Job To Infidelity, Drugs, And Tragedy. How Our Marriage Unraveled In Just 4.5 Months.
After the woman gets a new job, the marriage falls apart in 4.5 months, leading to infidelity, substance addiction, and tragedy. The narrator, a 36-year-old married for 11 years with two children (a 10-year-old daughter and an 8-year-old son), describes how his wife, 37, changed after befriending a group of ladies at her new job. These extremist feminists played the victim and started fights over little issues, which the narrator rejected. As his wife adopted their toxic worldview, she became increasingly aggressive and accusatory against him.

When his wife returned home late, inebriated, and distant, things changed. The narrator suspected cheating but had no evidence until he overheard his wife discussing an open relationship. She nonchalantly suggested an open marriage during breakfast, confirming his worst concerns. He confronted her and discovered she had two one-night stands and planned more. Despite her nonchalance and justifications, the narrator ended the marriage.

He confronted her affair partners' spouses after retrieving erased communications with recovery software. One wife took video of her confrontation with the couple at a motel. After the betrayal, the narrator told his wife their marriage was over, but she and her new friends denied and attacked him, encouraging her to accuse him of domestic abuse.

The overwhelmed narrator sought help from friends and family. While he filed for divorce, his close friends supported him financially and emotionally. He was even more determined to protect himself and his children after learning that his wife had chlamydia.

As her erraticness worsened, the wife crashed while driving drunk. This led authorities to search the narrator's home, but no evidence linked him to her crimes. A temporary restraining order was obtained when the wife was arrested. Ignoring the severity of her acts, she declined help.

The narrator's attorney reached a divorce bargain that gave him full custody of the children and eliminated spousal support. His wife's downward spiral continued, and she was hospitalized after being viciously battered by her so-called friends, who thought she betrayed them.

The wife dies in recovery, likely from an overdose. The narrator mourns his wife's transformation and their lost life. He rebuilds his life for his children with the help of friends and relatives.
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