JC 120

Описание к видео JC 120

The Roland JC-120 chorus sound is a world-beater. As opposed to a fully electronic chorus, the one in this amp affects one speaker only, making it a truly mechanical chorus, and when you’re next to it in chorus mode, there is nothing like it...

Miking up the amp is a case of having two identical mics, preferably pointing at the middle of each speaker. Experimenting with cardioid, hyper-cardioid and omni pickup patterns adjusts the chorus effect, but when you mic up only one of the speakers, you get nothing! That’s how clever the Roland system is...

Hear it on this video with a pair of AKG C414 mics, with an ambient pair of AKG C3000 brought in for good measure.

It’s so worth it to mic up an amp with thought given to the ambience of the room it’s in, and if you record four channels of it, you can then decide afterwards: the luxury of DAW...

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