Full Playlist: • How to Take Care of a Pet Rabbit
Pet Rabbit Essentials
Timothy Hay: http://amzn.to/1cJZZeF
Comb to control shedding : http://amzn.to/1KBKfog
Clear Plastic Tubing - To protect the rabbit and the cords: http://amzn.to/1bKNcak
BOOK on Rabbit Care: http://amzn.to/1HdbO9S
Bunny Harness: http://amzn.to/1K6yOYQ
Rabbit Food: http://amzn.to/1FgqiWg
Check out Cool Pet Rabbit Toys
Beachcomber hat: http://amzn.to/1KBIvvl
Mini Plastic Slinky: http://amzn.to/1cJZZeF
Toy Plastic Keys: http://amzn.to/1ExHLTv
Bunny Maze Haven: http://amzn.to/1F7PJpy
Sunmaid Raisins : http://amzn.to/1E2wry1
Papaya Tablets: http://amzn.to/1F9vp8G
Deluxe Rabbit Home: http://amzn.to/1F9vp8G
Woven Grass Mat for Rabbits: http://amzn.to/1A0rhHQ
Bunny Chew Toy: http://amzn.to/1K6ySrO
Roomba - To keep your home clean: http://amzn.to/1Fgoa0L
Watch more How to Take Care of a Pet Rabbit videos: http://bit.ly/1EhPnsK
Speaker 1: A lot of people call during the Spring and Summer because they've come across a nest of wild baby rabbits. They assume that the mother has abandoned the babies. Usually that's not the case and it's usually not the case that the mother has been hit by a car or anything like that. In fact, rabbits don't nurse their animals steadily the way dogs or cats do. They don't stay with the babies. They will nurse their babies once, sometimes twice a day, just for a few minutes, and in five minutes a baby rabbit can actually consume 20% of its body weight in mother's milk.
Speaker 2: Whoa.
Speaker 1: Typically the mother will come to the nest, quickly nurse the babies, and leave the nest. And this is a way of keeping predators away from the nest. So people will assume, when they find a nest of baby rabbits, that that nest has been abandoned by the mother and they'll think this is a great opportunity to get to know wild rabbits first hand. They'll bring them in the house and then they'll call us and they'll say, 'How do you take care of a wild rabbit?' And what people don't understand, believe it or not, wild rabbits and domestic rabbits are not related. They can't interbreed.
Speaker 2: Right.
Speaker 1: They're different creatures and the care involved is completely different. So I always tell them to get in touch with the nearest licensed wildlife rehabilitator. It's not even legal in most states to have a wild rabbit in your possession, so if in fact you have a baby rabbit, take it to a wildlife rehabilitator. Better yet, if you see a nest that you think has been abandoned, call a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and ask for advice about what you should do, rather than picking up the rabbits. A wild rabbit in possession in a household doesn't live very long. People are not informed on how to take care of them. They don't do well in captivity at all and you may be responsible for the rabbit's death instead of for helping the rabbit, which is probably what you wanted to do. And the related issue to this is many people who buy rabbits for their children at Easter, or as birthday gifts or whatever, soon enough the child stops taking care of rabbit, which shouldn't have been the child's job to begin with, of course. But the child stops taking care of the rabbit and the parents, without thinking twice about it, let the rabbit go in the backyard.
Speaker 2: All the time.
Speaker 1: Yeah. I mean we hear about this all the time
Speaker 2: They just let it go.
Speaker 1: Yup. And they say that . . .
Speaker 2: It'll be snatched like that.
Speaker 1: . . . I want him to join a wild family and have a chance to have his own family. And as I said, they don't interbreed.
Speaker 2: They're domesticated.
Speaker 1: They don't join wild families. They're domesticated. This particular rabbit I chose for this video, because he's about the same color as a wild rabbit. Similar, that tweedy, outdoor look.
Speaker 2: Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1: So people, when they see this kind of rabbit outdoors, they may think it's a wild rabbit. In fact, this is a Netherlands dwarf domestic rabbit. And they're are differences. If you study the coloration carefully in pictures on the web you will see the differences but you'll see that this rabbit has tiny ears. Wild rabbits don't have tiny ears. This is a dwarf breed and this is a way that you can tell the difference between him and a wild rabbit. In any case, don't let your rabbit go outdoors, and don't attempt to keep a wild rabbit as a pet. You will insure the well being of both the domestic rabbit and the wild rabbit that way.
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