Helmut Lang: 41.1595° N, 73.3882° W, curated by Todd von Ammon.

Описание к видео Helmut Lang: 41.1595° N, 73.3882° W, curated by Todd von Ammon.

In anticipation of re-opening our doors on Wednesday, July 8, we have released a new short film that showcases our current exhibition, Helmut Lang: 41.1595° N, 73.3882° W, curated by Todd von Ammon. The film presents a first-person experience of walking through the exhibition, and provides background on Lang's inspiration for the works.

"It suggests that perhaps the greatest reward of lived time is its potential to be forged into something new."

Filmed by Douglas Tirola and 4th Row Films, Music by Peter Kruder, Artwork by Helmut Lang / courtesy of Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York


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