GTA Vice City Speedrun - Any% SSU -

Описание к видео GTA Vice City Speedrun - Any% SSU -

"oMg tHis isNt a sPeeDrun, tHis is a gLitchRun!!!" - That's just what 'Any%' is all about. Reach the credits by any means neccessary.
Luckily there are more categories in GTA VC Speedrunning such as 'Any% No SSU' (Any% but without this warp), 'All Missions' or '100%'.
So if you wanna watch one of those categories, that have a more traditional mission-by-mission playstyle, check out my Playlist or Speedrun-Profile :)
   • Speedrunning
Explanation (video):
english:    • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Any% (SSU...  
русский:    • VICE CITY ЗА 8 МИНУТ?! ПОДРОБНЫЙ РАЗБ...  

Explanation (written):
  / d60deol  
  / d60ugoe  

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