Amiga 500 Longplay [067] Sword of Sodan

Описание к видео Amiga 500 Longplay [067] Sword of Sodan

Played by: Ironclaw


A really good 1988 game, IMO.

No lives lost (unless you count the added deaths at the end of course).

01:38 - 2 good looking tutorial pictures.
04:13 - Selecting character.
04:20 - At the city's gate.
05:39 - Between the city's walls.
06:19 - In the city streets.
07:26 - In the heart of the forest.
08:42 - In the land of the dead.
10:10 - Craggamoor #1.
10:46 - Craggamoor #2.
11:32 - Craggamoor #3.
15:19 - Craggamoor #4.
18:22 - Craggamoor #5.
18:59 - Craggamoor #6.
20:17 - Ending.
21:12 - Added some deaths.

Some stuff:

I read that the spells (Magic Zapper and Power Shield) doesn't work on the last boss, but they do. The shield doesn't make you totally immune (only against all other enemies), it reduces the damage you take instead.

As I never died, I didn't lose hit-strength (you lose 2 when you when you lose a life, unless you are already at 1). Because of this, things die very fast. I checked the other videos on YouTube with gameplay footage from the Amiga version and they all had to hit so many times Smile

For some reason the info/warning messages (voice talking) didn't always appear, so I had to replay the part a few times, like at 06:36. I noticed the game slows down quite a bit when there's too much on the screen, so ran it on a faster system, but that's not the reason why the messages sometimes didn't pop, as it also happened with the standard A500 I first tried it on.

The last boss doesn't seem to be affected by one's hit-strength... donno, just seems like it when I did a quick comparison with other gameplays, as they had only 1 hit-strength, and yet we both need to hit the same amount of times (didn't count, just assuming Pfft)

At 11:16 I first jumped to the right and swung my sword, killing the enemy outside the screen before he got to do anything, so I redid it instead so we can see him and his attack, and used a Magic Zapper on him. I read that you can't avoid his attack without a shield or zapping him instantly,.. well, I could, but like I said, he would end up outside the screen then so we didn't see anything.

At 15:10 you need to hit the teeth with the tip of the sword, which I thought was stupid, so showed how you can't hit it if you stand too close. Maybe the sword's hit box is not the whole blade, or maybe it is and I were too close... it's still stupid Pfft

At 15:50 I first skipped picking up the item that dropped as I was full, but the screen wouldn't continue to scroll right before the floating head, so I had to do it again and pick it up. So that's probably a bug or something and might be the same on other levels, but didn't test it.

The enemy at 19:17 before the last boss will only appear once, if you make haste to the right while killing it. I noticed if I move to the left a bit, pulling the enemy towards me, another one will pop up right after. This enemy will only spawn those flying things if you are far away from it. So, make haste to the right and he will only appear once and not spawn any flying thingies. -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!


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