Amberlynn Reid “losing” Gracie Mae and adopting Wasabi (mini arc)

Описание к видео Amberlynn Reid “losing” Gracie Mae and adopting Wasabi (mini arc)

Gracie is missing!!!! this is a mini arc within the whole amberverse. I don’t see many people talking about this so I decided to make a little video :)

my opinion/thoughts?
amber really gives me weird vibes in these clips. she set up a story it seems, and blamed someone else so she’d seem more believable. there’s no real remorse in her eyes or words. she’s more concerned with the couch and buying a new cat. whenever my animals would get out I would be scared and sick until we got them back. twice we havent and it took years to get comfortable enough to adopt again. sigh. I genuinely felt bad for destiny while editing this. amber we got our eyes on you gorllllllll🙄👀💔


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