Adductor Brevis Anatomy

Описание к видео Adductor Brevis Anatomy

⭐ Adductor Brevis Muscle Anatomy ⭐
The adductor brevis muscle is located in the medial compartment of the thigh. Find the anatomy of the adductor brevis below and watch the full video for an in-depth explanation.
💪 Origins:
🔴 Body of the pubis
🔴 Inferior pubic ramus
💪 Insertions:
🔵 Upper third of the linea aspera
🔵 Pectineal line of femur
💪 Actions:
🟢 Primary: Adduction of the hip joint
🟢 Secondary: Flexion of the hip joint
🟢 Potential action (more research is needed to conclusively say): Rotation of the femur
💪 Nerve:
🟣 Obturator nerve L2-L4 (anterior division)
💪 Artery:
🟠 Deep femoral artery

0:00 - Intro
0:06 - Location & overview of the adductor brevis
1:43 - Origin of the adductor brevis
2:12 - Insertion of the adductor brevis
2:58 - Innervation of the adductor brevis
3:35 - Actions of the adductor brevis

⭐ Want to learn more about the adductor brevis? Then check out the full article on the Bodyworks Prime website:

⭐ If you would like some help memorising the adductor brevis information, be sure to check out the free flashcards here:

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