39. Malachi Complete 1-4, King James Version (KJV) Free AV Bible Read Along Bible Narration 2

Описание к видео 39. Malachi Complete 1-4, King James Version (KJV) Free AV Bible Read Along Bible Narration 2

KJV Narration 2 Series August 20th 2024 Update:
I will be uploading the full original “old school” Free AV Bible videos (Gen-Rev) throughout this week and LORD Willing will get back to the original ministry narration project by next week.
As some may be aware this narration labelled “KJV Narration 2” was used in a Free AV Bible video series. Sadly, the videos were taken down many times from various YouTube channels while usage rights were being negotiated between all the parties involved with the making of them.
I guess when various people come together to make a video(s), they ALL have some say in how and if it can be shared. If just one person who contributed to the making of the video(s) isn’t happy then they can ruin it for everyone. This is one main reason, by God’s Grace, I do all the video work at Just-In-Bible ministry.
While working on the Just-In-Bible HD 4K series - I have also been trying for a while to purchase or get some kind of official license to be able to use the Free AV Bible series “KJV Narration 2” so it can stay on YouTube for good!
It was always heart-breaking when the Free AV Bible series using this narration labelled “KJV Narration 2” were taken down over apparent creator disputes!
Thankfully Free AV Bible and Just In Bible ministry was able to work out a usage license agreement for the videos.
For some of the videos I just used the narration with the Just in Bible ministry design but this has taken a lot of time and I really need to get back to narrating myself. So I will be uploading the full original “old school” Free AV Bible videos (Gen-Rev) throughout this week and LORD Willing will get back to the regular ministry.
I have seen how much people like this narration and want to make it available here permanently!

As part of the licensing agreement comments will be disabled on the “KJV Narration 2.” Series

#freeavbible #Malachi #Malachikjv


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