OBJECT AGENCY (a sound art reaction to the installation SOIL FICTIONS by Angelika Loderer)

Описание к видео OBJECT AGENCY (a sound art reaction to the installation SOIL FICTIONS by Angelika Loderer)

OBJECT AGENCY is a sound art reaction to the installation SOIL FICTIONS by Angelika Loderer at Belvedere 21, Vienna. In my creative process objects and spaces are not 'instruments' I use to achieve imagined sounds and structures, but rather players to improvise with together. For me objects are not passive sound sources, but rather agents in the creative process resulting in my soundscapes and my music. In this I see the similarity of my sound art with the visual art of Angelika Loderer, of whom has been said that she engages in a creative dialogue with non-human beings whose habitat is the earth and that her creative process gives rise to a chance-driven and post-humanist coexistence of living beings.


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