SMC: A Business Model to Implement Public Health Programs

Описание к видео SMC: A Business Model to Implement Public Health Programs

SMC Corporate Video Documentary

Title: SMC: A Business Model to Implement Public Health Programs

Formed in 1974, Social Marketing Company (SMC) started its journey as the Family Planning Social Marketing Project (FPSMP) funded by USAID to address the rapid population growth in Bangladesh by engaging the private sector health service providers. In 1990, after achieving significant success, the project was converted into a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee which is run by a voluntary Board of Directors. In 2014, SMC formed SMC EL, a for-profit subsidiary to separate profitable activities from nonprofit to effectively manage a growing and complex operation. The mission of SMC Enterprise Ltd is to support SMC to grow as a successful social enterprise by making surplus funds from profitable operations available for investment in program operations designed to enhance social good.
In its long journey from a project to a thriving social enterprise, SMC is now considered one of the most successful business models for implementing public health programs. It has become a key private sector partner to the Government of Bangladesh and USAID. SMC continues its successful journey as a major contributor to the national health and family planning program and a significant contributor to reproductive health, maternal health, adolescent health & hygiene, tuberculosis, child health, and nutritional services across the country. To serve the nation with extensive programmatic activities, SMC is relentlessly expanding its range of quality public health products and services, promoting behavior change, raising awareness, and creating sustainable social impact for the well-being of women, children, and families.


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